Wonder how many discards this got?

To Chrystia Freeland Canadian MP
Board member of the World Economic Forum

The Canadian government has criminalized the receiving of funds from the Freedom Convoy 2022 campaign and now are trying to seize the funds to redistribute.

This is what I received in an email yesterday from GiveSendGo and my immediate reaction was one of frustration and anger that once again a man who proclaims Democracy, Freedom, Sovereignty and Rule of Law for everyone around the world yet does not practice any of them here in Canada, has deliberately attacked Canadians rights to support what they consider to be a good cause; The cause of Freedom.  This is the second time for the same cause so there can be no clearer message to all Canadians: “If you support Freedoms guaranteed in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms you are a criminal”.

I consider now that any donations requested of me for the Liberal Party of Canada will also be unlawful solicitation for the WEF.  

When a peaceful protest about unlawful actions by the federal government causes this much hatred, and indeed blatant hate speech from a Prime Minister, who then deliberately instigates police violence, it is clear that all vestiges of the Rule of Law and Democracy have left the room.

This Liberal Government is totally out of control and has lost sight of Canada and the Canadian people just to placate and please Klaus Schwab and in your case to ensure your continued membership on the Board of his World Economic Forum.

You cannot serve him on the one hand and the Canadian People on the other as his and our views on life are diametrically opposite; his being that we are all slaves and should be happy to be so, and ours that we still believe that freedom and the rule of law is possible in Canada in spite of this PM and you; so, I suggest you resign your seat in the House of Commons immediately in order to cease your unlawful, anti- Charter of Rights and Freedoms activities which are also against the common law of Canada.

I no longer consent to anything you have done or are doing because I now believe it is your intent to destroy Canada.

In total disgust,

Jeremy Arney